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I reduced the line weight of the backgrounds for this comic so the characters would pop out a bit more. I'm still getting there, but I'm growing more comfortable with dynamic posing. Additionally, this comic wound up finished a little early. One I get far enough ahead of the posting schedule, I'll have time to work on wrapping up the animations that have been in production.

I have noticed the slow bleed of patrons, which is of course concerning, but the decline really starts a far back as July. There's not really a lot I can do about it. Animation is very time consuming, so if I were to put the pedal down on animations, then that's all I'll be doing. Original Youtube content won't draw in new viewership, and NAS will only pull pony fans. I have noticed that not all, but the majority of people leaving have had pony avatars and are mostly supporting MLP patreons.

I understand if you guys are skeptical about these comics. Stebe started off as drawing and shading practice, and continues to be that even as I build up notes on the whole thing. It's definitely improving my artistic skill much, much faster than the animations were, since I'm not able to rely on rigs. Additionally, my work load hasn't really decreased, with my wife noting I've been hunched over my tablet for longer stretches of the day than usual.

Bottom line is, the shake-up is necessary. Short term, I knew it was going to hurt, and I kind of wish the patron bleeding would hurry up and get over with or stop. But the ends are going to justify the means, and if this is the end, this the end. I told myself I wasn't going to succumb to doing the kind of exploitative garbage that succeeds on Youtube today, and that means needing to take risks and varying the creative directions I invest in.




I found you through the Pony stuff, but I stayed because of your Let's Play's and original content. I think that Mech let's play is a masterpiece, but the legend of kain stuff was excellent as well. Those shorts around the Banana Republic were really good as well and there is sure a lot of potential there. I'm really enjoying Stebe as well. Personally I think I would like to see more Let's Play's. Just having Payton, Ray and the rest of the gang bouncing off each other is the best. That said, I tend to think this move towards comics is a good one, even if it means we will be somewhat deprived from the excellent voice acting I have come to associate with your productions which is one of the major draws for me.


I don't know how exactly I'm going to handle the let's plays, but they're not out of the question. It might be feasible to shorten them down to ten minutes videos and knock them out in a day. So far, Fridays have technically been open, but I've been using it to write scripts. When the scripts are done that time will be open again.


I honestly wouldn't mind shorter 10 or even 5 minute let's plays. Actually I'd even prefer it, since I wouldn't have to set aside a block of time and could just watch them casually.


I don't think I've ever come across an evil hotdog before... Wait, Maybe That's It! I COULD NEVER TELL THEY WERE EVIL ! ! !