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And in other news, attached is a PDF of the script for the planned Nepotism Adventure Series. The general outline was based on an idea I had for a comic series, where the ponies are substantially dumber and sweeter than they are in MAS. Closer to a mockery of the show as it is now, where everyone is unconditionally successful but only if you don't think about it much.

The plan is to start with this episode, and then escalate from here. Twilight tries to enforce taxes, but then discovers she needs to instigate a bunch of other civil services as ponies realize their tax money can be spent on "friendship projects". Over the span of the multi-part series, Starlight Glimmer will kill Mayor Mare, Celestia will be defeated at least twice, and Ponyville will burn to crispy, candy-flavored ash. Pinkie would call the town "over-caramelized".

If you care to be spoiled, give the script a look and feel free to leave comments! I've only begun the concept phase for the rigs for this, so now's the time to mention things.


Sebastian Weinberg

I'm not sure that the conceit of "Ponies are all idiots who don't understand the most basic concepts, yet somehow have a functioning society" really works beyond a one-off joke. It seems to me that what you're trying to parody is more along the lines of "Certain ponies who have not shown any competence (or even repeatedly demonstrated their INcompetence) are nevertheless handed high-ranking positions and/or their life's ambitions on a platter, simply because the story says so."


If none of the ponies know how to count to two hundred then how does Twilight know how that retail space in Canterlot costs TWO THOUSAND bits? She can clearly count to at least two thousand and even Rainbow Dash arguably the dumbest character in the series knew how much that was or at least acted like it in the scene.


It's two separate universes. MAS was based on MLP when the show had a bit more grounding. NAS is based on MLP when they built a go-kart track in a crash-prone figure eight.