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Attached below are three versions of this image! We have two where the character is clearly Red from "Jaycartoons", and one where he's wearing a helmet. Amazing work by Pencils, who's been sidelined for a month due to health reasons.

In other news, we're finally getting into a swing and on track after the upset of losing Pbn. It's been a few months, but everything is caught up in the animation department, and our website is fully updated! MAS Season -2, episode -3 is finished with animation and we're waiting for Ved to complete the audio! He was shooting to be done by the previous weekend, but life got the better of him and now he's tied up in finals. Unfortunately this is going to move MAS back a few weeks, but in the meantime we'll be working on projects that don't require audio engineering.

A new Peel Off feels deserved as we begin another season of MLP, and Copy and I are going to work on Peyton. After that, we're dropping MAS as it is and starting something related in decorum but all the same new. We're going to fast-forward to modern MLP, where Twilight is a princess, Dash is a Wonderbolt, and Rarity owns an unconditionally successful chain business. The new series is called the "Nepotism Adventure Series", or "NAS" for short, and it's going to exaggerate the saccharine attitudes of the show today.

While not directly parallel to MAS, I felt like starting NAS was the only logical way to go in light of everything that's changed in MLP over the years. The pony world no longer feels especially cohesive, and you couldn't convince me that Celestia is actually running a government. Character arcs have been wrapped up without properly evolving characters to fit them, and I'll be honest: I'm not sure a ruler who puts friendship above all other concepts could really be trusted to make laws and enforce taxes. NAS will use a slightly cuter art style and will make more use of small amounts of classical animation when called for. The plan is to tell one complete, adorable story of nepotism, nihilistic victory, and exposition over multiple episodes.

Aside from that, we have a song due to come out next month featuring a traditionally animated Fluttershy falling down an escalator! And as soon as Ved is ready, we've got an additional treat that's been in the works for a long time called "Alphabet Parade" which is all but finished. It's very well animated and I think everyone will like it!

The world of Youtube has been a bit bumpier than usual lately with ad boycots, and we've lost of a few of our biggest supporters here on Patreon - the ones that have e-mailed me about it report life changes, which I wish them the best of luck with! But we're still in motion and getting more skilled with every project. Additionally, I've started streaming again, so if you'd like to see the process on our new and upcoming projects, you can watch us on Twitch:
I've set up a donation button there, and we've had some helpful bumps from fans in the first couple of days. As we go along, I'll animate more widgets and add our own custom notification sounds. Watching someone animate isn't always fun - in fact it's numerous hours of extreme tedium on average, but I do like having the chat in the stream along with the audience-provoked audio cues.

I hope everyone has been enjoying what we've put out, and I hope you enjoy what's coming up! In any event, everyone have a great day!




not sure whet's going on here, but I like it