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Welcome to my Patreon and thank you for your support.

Questions and answers.

Question: Where can I find the password for my level?

Answer: You can find all current download links and passwords under Mambership. Furthermore, an email will automatically be sent to you when you join one of my levels. Please also check your emails. If I need to change the password and links early,

you will receive a direct message from me with all passwords and links.

Question: Why is it so complicated with password and link?

Answer: My data is no longer safe on Patreon due to piracy. Because I too have to earn my living and I don't just do it out of love for VAM. I'm a game designer and I enjoy doing it, but if this trend continues to deteriorate, I will look for new projects. That simply has to be said.

Question: The link in the post is dead.

Answer: There is only one download link for everything. Editing and updating almost 300 posts would take too much time. The posts on Patreon only serve as an overview of new creations.

Question: I don't have access to the download link on Discord.

Answer: Please make sure you have synced your Patreon account with your Discord account. If this is not the case, my Patreon bot cannot give you permission for the Discord server.

You can find the tutorial on syncing Patreon with Discord here. 

Question: I don't have a Discord and don't want a Discord account.

Answer: Then please use the direct link to Mega Load in the email.

Do you have a problem with one of my clothes or a scene? Happy to help you and fix the problem. Please use the Bugfix Channel on my Discord server and let me know your problem in detail. Please do not use the comments on Patreon here. VAM is complex and you can't know everything.

And finally, people please like and comment!! Take @Zoidberg and @Vecterror as an example. We krators also want feedback for our art. Get involved and use my request channel. This way I can respond more to your wishes. A like and recommendation on the VAM HUB would also be very helpful.

So now have fun browsing and gaming!

Best regards



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