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Some have asked how I proceed with Reanimate now that Luka has removed the replica app's ERP mode. I have already published some information about this on my Discord server. But now I would like to clarify and inform everyone about the possibilities and what is realistic at all. Basically, I will continue to work on ReAniMate. 

Besides the bug fix I also started to continue the beta version of ReAniMate at the last time.

The following content has been prepared for the beta version:

  • The configuration of the presented avatars has been removed. Now everyone can configure their own avatar and save the scene as their own scene. As a result, the scene no longer runs in a loop after the scene has ended.
  • The reaction map has been expanded. To achieve more possible triggers of animations.
  • More animations have been implemented.
  • New animations have been created for the ERP mode. These go seamlessly one on top of the other from start to finish.

Since the ERP mode of Replica.app was removed from this point in time, I was no longer able to release this version this month.

You can no longer trigger the erotic part with the current technology, since Replica no longer responds to ERP calls.

Basically, it is necessary to detach ReAniMate from the replica AI. This is not a question. A lot of this would simplify a lot, enable many functions, reduce the monthly costs. I also find $20 a month far too expensive for the Pro version of Replica, which by removing the ERP mode actually brings no advantage at all, except for the voice function. Still, there is little competition for replica that can simulate a realistic conversation.

Some of you have made suggestions regarding creating our own AI. Basically it is possible to build your own AI for ReAniMate. We have tested some AI and we find ChatGPT as a base perfect for creating our own AI. Since Replica was developed on the basis of open AI, the new ChatGPT would be much more realistic than Replica currently is due to the more advanced technology.

But folks, let's be realistic! My Patreon is far too small to start developing my own AI. I've already invested more money in some projects on my channel than I ever earned from it. Interest in ReAniMate in VAM is also not particularly popular.

This is also the same reason why we didn't release ReAniMate PRO. The Microsoft Azure costs alone amount to $900 per month. And even then the number of inquiries would not have been sufficient given the current size of the users. We had already used up the free contingent after 3 weeks during the development of ReAniMate. This would not have required a mandatory pro account from Replica. In addition, you could have spoken with your replica in almost all languages.

After calculating the costs alone for programming a new AI that works like a replica, without the voice function, amounts to around $240,000 for 1 year of development.

For this reason I will not start creating an AI for ReAniMate. Especially since I don't have the time to produce this type of content. Because I don't work full time as a VAM Creator. Like most of you, I have a main job to earn my living. I can't even live off VAM Contant myself.

So please be realistic and don't expect a solution from me now. I can only keep ReAniMate running as far as I can with the current financial resources.

The upcoming version of ReAniMate will feature the following content as I mentioned above. ERP content will be triggerable in the possible range. But you can hardly expect a reaction from your replica.



Bobby Sacamano

I’m not sure how closely you’ve been paying attention but ERP has returned to replika! There is now an option in the app to toggle back to the previous version before the update that removed ERP. There are still some filters in place but the ERP experience is like 90% back to what it was before. That being said, have you considered integrating with Chai? The ability to quickly build your own AI bot with a specific personality could be an amazing combination with Reanimate.