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i love eps that make me feel so many feels i havent felt before.. and I LOVE DAWNIE AND XANDER SO MUCH!!!!! <3 <3 <3




I finally watched all of it (just in time for the next one :D). Just 2 comments about this episode: -I was really glad they didn't go with the potential route with Dawn. For me it would have felt "cheap", and I very much prefer this version of Dawn instead of yet another character punching things in the background. We already have too many of those. -Regarding Xander and power, I always had the feeling that he was consciously avoiding it: we never see him training physically or in combat, he never does magic on his own (except for that one time when he summoned a dancing demon), even if he seems quite capable of it ... It's like he was fearing what he could do if he had real power, and probably even more after seeing Willow go down that route. I don't know, it's a thought that always comes back to me after watching this episode


The situation of Spike vs. Anya commiting murder is complicated but I always saw it this way: Buffy wants to help Spike because she is aware that Spike has a soul now and is giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't consciously kill humans. Anya, however, is very consciously a vengance demon and is choosing to commit her murders. I think this is also why the writers chose to make it a mass murder in Anya's case, so we (and Buffy) couldn't try to rationalize it away by saying, "oh, it's just one, maybe two people, we can fix that!" Also, I noticed in your comments from the "Selfless" video that you wondered what Willow meant when she began to say she couldn't bring back all the frat boys that Anya killed, saying, "I don't have that kind of power, even when I...(trails off)." You thought she was talking about when she tried to bring back Tara and failed but I believe she was referring to bringing back Buffy. Because the frat boys and Buffy were mystical deaths. I think she meant she barely had the power to bring back one person, let alone 20. But also, I like the contrast of her reaction in this episode vs. her hubris when talking to Giles just one year before, when she told him she is powerful, and he better not piss her off.