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hi loves.

i’m looking to hire a video editor to edit my angel reaction vids for youtube.

my work has been a lot lately, and i’m a VERY slow editor, which means in order to spare myself from having a mental breakdown, i’ve decided to delegate and hire an editor.

only qualifications necessary are that you have experience editing (hopefully reaction videos), and that you have watched angel/the buffyverse (i feel like context is v important). the salary shall be discussed w whoever is interested!

so yeah pls do reach out via direct messages if you (or someone you know) are interested. 🩷

ps: see u all tomorrow for buffy 7x07. that episode was INSANE. still trying to process. will take a while! (emotionally i mean. vid is ready to post for once LOL)



I wish I knew how to edit so I could help you out. I am sure you will find the right person. <3