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i am once again feeling normal feelings about the show buffy the vampire slayer <3 super fun upbeat episode about a vengeance demon plotting her revenge against her (now) ex (ouch).... oh wait? i guess not...




Another one, that’s 5/6 for today. Can you get “overDomi-ed”? Let’s find out! :D When I first watched this, it blew my mind. An episode that threw in there a perfectly valid explanation for the entire show? I had never seen anything like it before. Anyway, fantastic episode, imho, and Sarah keeps knocking it out of the park in every episode this season (well, in every episode, period). I won’t speculate about what was real or not, people has been doing that for ages, and I think each has to come to their own conclusions, but it’s one of those episodes where you keep picking up little details on rewatches

Martin Waits

Easy top 30/40 episode for me. There's so much to love about it.