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oh my gosh now THAT'S a surprise guest!!!!!!



Troika S

The show can only do so much more to highlight that Spike is a giant undead Red Flag with legs. There's nothing healthy there for Buffy, never has been. She's using him to feel anything through her numbness, feeding her self loathing by doing something she despises to foster self hatred, he's a mass murdering serial killer with a long history of abusing women that is deeply, dangerously obsessed with her in a way that, if this were not a supernatural story and just a drama, would be steaming toward a very predictably tragic place if she doesn't get away from him.


Third one down! Not my favourite one, I was never a Riley fan (not a hater, either), but everything is forgiven because the “my hat has a cow” line. Also, we stan Sam in this house, unless is cute slandering from Willow. It’s an episode that feels weird, like an early season 5 crashing into season 6. The “William” thing from last episode was an Easter Egg, because Halfrek was played by the same actress that played Cecily in “Fool for love”. On to the next ! Which, considering Xander is my favourite character (yes, it’s me 🙋🏻‍♂️), it’s gonna be quite painful.