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(i listened to y'all and it seems like posting on dropbox is better than on patreon directly so... we're back to dropbox links!)

buffy in her employed era?? go buffy!!!! <3 also in a totally unrelated note i have decided to never eat ever again after watching this ep.



Ron Fehr

I'm sure the scene where Willow chops of the phallic-shaped part of 'wig lady''s head had to be a little painful for guys to watch. Also, a warning. If your meat ever looks that color, it may be demon meat. Lol


You know that would have been interesting if it turned out the meat was demons. I mean Buffy kills demons discriminatly. I wonder where she stands on eating them.

Ron Fehr

Usually when you mention the title of the next episode, I will remember what it's about. But not this time. I'm as baffled as you are.