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just when i think buffy is finally done breaking my heart (at least for a while) this episode went "just kidding" !!!! this is fine!!!!!



Alex Wright

Don't know if this URL is allowed, but this is s great blog post on this episode: http://theresabasile.com/wp/2012/12/10/btvs-and-consent-issues-episode-6-13-dead-things-part-1/

Alex Wright

Katrina's murder wasn't remotely an accident, especially not for Warren. Don't know Californian law, but hiting a kidnap victim with a sparkling wine bottle to prevent her escape - after attempting to rape her - is definitely murder under English law. The mens rea (required mental state) of intention to cause serious harm is there. I suspect in California it's at the very least second degree murder. Or maybe felony murder, since all three are committing serious felonies - kidnap, attempted rape - and death resulted.