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oh my gosh this episode was just INSANE? i am so excited to keep watching this season. things are picking up so much!



Troika S

Empathy saves lives. Buffy could have walked away from Willow and she wouldn't be entirely wrong to do so, but Willow needs help and even more importantly.. wants help. Everyone deserves a chance to heal. As much as these shows toss around words like redemption regarding Angel, I never really felt like it hit very well with him since the ambiguous vampire lore of "a demon takes your body" just makes a redemption arc with him far to easy. It's a loop hole to make it cleaner for the audience since it's not really him doing those things. With what Willow's going through it works so much better. It's messy and muddy and tangled just like real life. Yet people are in a constant state of change and growth, the only variable is whether the direction of that is positive or negative and a critical component of positive change is a good support system. Buffy was under no obligation to help Willow in that alley, but leaving her there probably would have destroyed her. It's important to never let yourself be taken advantage of, but at the same time one of the most powerful things we can do is choose compassion over condemnation when presented the choice, even when that condemnation is justified.


The writing is meant to be the way it is. All mixed signal-y and heavy handed. It’s to show how people that don’t go through it personally or haven’t dealt with it with someone else don’t understand it and the destructive behaviours people result to just to continue feeding their addiction. It makes total sense if you look at it that way. There is a lot unclear about it that I don’t think the writers would have left so unclear unless they intentionally meant for it to be. People do things they normally wouldn’t do because of addiction. And while the addiction part makes sense with Willow, the things she does because of it aren’t. But that’s the point. She just wanted to escape from herself so in her magic-is-a-drug riddled brain… anything seems like a good idea as long as it leads her to getting her fix.


“To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's not done because people deserve it, it's done because they need it.”