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This is show is slowly but surely wrecking me.


Buffy 5x17 - The Pain Continues (AKA Forever) .mp4

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Ron Fehr

Aside from what Spike told Dawn about why he was helping her, I think that in a way he wanted Joyce back too. Like he told Xander, "I liked the lady. She was the only one out of the lot of you that I could stand."

Stewart Denew

Agreed, with the others there's always some other reason but she was the only one of them he considered a friend and wanted nothing else from her beside a buddy to sit and watch soaps with.

Loves Bitca

"She always had a nice cuppa" I get the idea that there were many more times than we saw that Joyce and Spike sat down together and had a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and just chatted.

Ron Fehr

It's a nice thought. I love the idea of Joyce and Spike being friends, especially after the first time they met, at the school.