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I am not gonna lie.... I am shipping it HARD. Now just KISS, GODDAMN IT. Gosh this episode is just AMAZING.

PS: Sorry if I scared anyone with schedule-talk haha, but don't worry. I was able to film this weekend and everything is on track :) See y'all Monday for 2x15... And its a crazy one! (I’ve now corrected the post lol it’s not 2x09 like previously stated haha. My b)


Buffy 5x14 - Domi's Hour Long Spuffy Spiral (AKA Crush) .mp4

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Ron Fehr

I get the feeling that Joyce is the only person that Spike would never hurt. In the season two finale, there was a slightly awkward moment, where Joyce mention seeing Spike before. Spike responded by reminding her when, but he made no attempt to hurt her. This was before the chip, so he was already changing. Also, in Lovers Walk in season three, Spike was pouring out his feelings to Joyce about Dru leaving him. Even in the scene where Angel wants to enter the house, Spike is behind Joyce, pretending, only pretending, that he was going to drink from her. I don't recall a single time when Spike made any threatening moves or remarks towards Joyce.


This is one of the episodes that really show all Spuffy shippers don't come to it with the same enthusiasm lol. Spike's behavior in this episode turned me off of them for a good while, it's usually one I skip on solo rewatches. Ah, the Spuffy ship. Such choppy waters.