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I'm so relieved right nowwwwwwwwww!! And fuck Riley (just not literally, Buffandra)!!!! 


Buffy 5x10 - Domi Can Finally Breathe Again (AKA Into The Woods) .mp4

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Love how yall hate on Riley while completely ignoring Spike's toxicity. Some of you shippers are awful people.

that bear over there

Riley never loved Buffy. He loved the IDEA of Buffy that he made up in his head. Riley is the typical 'nice guy.' He believes that if he does all the right things, the girl is supposed to act in the exact way he wants. If she doesn't, he is upset with her because HOW DARE SHE be her own person?? He did 'all the right things' so in return she is supposed to be exactly what he wants. From day 1 of finding out about Buffy's past, Riley has a problem with her being stronger than him. After he hears her slayer stories, Riley says "i'm not even sure I can take you." He insists that they spar because he so badly wants to be stronger than her. Riley wants to be the savior- both in this romantic relationship and in general- it's why he signed up for the initiative in the first place. He wants badly to save people and have them see him as the hero. He doesn't get to have that with Buffy because Buffy doesn't need him to save her. Buffy is her own hero. She's independent and this drives Riley insane. Early on, he calls her 'a puzzle that needs to be figured out'--- what he means by that is she is a game that he will play and eventually be victorious at. He doesn't see her as a person, but a challenge to be won. If he actually loved her, he would love that she is independent- that she is way stronger than him- that she is the slayer- that she calls the shots- and is way more special/crucial to the world than him. But he hates all those things about her- he hates all the things that make Buffy who she is at her core. His betrayal of her is two-fold- 1 is that being bitten is a euphoric sexual feeling, but 2 is that Buffy is the slayer and he is 'cheating' with a vampire. So Riley never really loved her. I think the fandom's hatred of Riley is deeper than his cheating. I think it triggers something in anyone who has been in a relationship where the other person doesn't see/accept you for who you are, and instead puts expectations on who you are 'supposed' to be and how you are 'supposed' to act.. Narcissists behave this way- their relation to you is based on what you do for them. It can be a romantic relationship, but it can also be a friendship or relationship with a parent.