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If anybody needs me, I'll be in the corner crying over this episode for... A while...


Buffy 5x08 - Domi Lacks Stability To Be Able To Cope With Said Episode (AKA Shadow) .mp4

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Joseph Johnson

Riley is being a total ass and not for the cheating which is bad enough on its own. Riley has access to Buffy's home as well as her mom and sister. If he get captured and turned neither Joyce or Dawn will realize the danger until it is too late. couple that with his military training, Riley could be a tougher fight then either Angelus or the Master for Buffy and her friends. His going out and looking for danger is why Buffy doesn't like letting people in, her fears of putting them in danger often supersede her own happiness. Tara has been out longer and probably has a support circle of friends and one of them has to single and not a thrill seeker. get rid of Riley and introduce Buffy to a nice girl whose idea of an exciting evening is cookie dough ice-cream and cuddles on the couch. Worked for Willow and she has never been happier. This episode hit hard with the brain tumor. My mother had something similar for several years before the symptoms got bad enough that we realized something was really wrong. It was nice to see Man Nurse, the only name I will ever call him because it is so funny to me. trying to comfort Buffy in a non, let me between your legs kind of way that is too common with many shows. Men are completely capable of being compassionate without trying to get sex from a woman. I am not getting off my soapbox. I like that they are also setting boundaries and limitations on what Tara and Willow can do with magic. The fact Tara was so quick to state they shouldn't try and use magic makes me wonder if she did try with her own mom and is carrying around some guilt for her passing. It was also nice to see Dawn try and cheer up Riley when he should have been making her feel better. Goes along way in showing how much of Buffy and Joyce is really in her compared to this key nonsense.


"Tara is really hot in this episode." I was noticing that too. Some combination of her clothing, hair, jewelry, and makeup was REALLY working for her. BTW, obviously I've gotten behind on my reactors, and I'm catching up now. Sometimes it's really fun to get behind, because then I can watch 2 or 3 episodes back-to-back-to-back-to...