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Hi friends, sorry this was meant to be posted yesterday but I forgot to schedule it... Woops! Hope you all enjoy :)


ANGEL SEASON 1 THOUGHTS (Discussion, Predictions, Q&A)



I'm totally here for the video on how much you love I Will Remember You! I can literally watch you talk about it for hooooours <3 Very interesting to hear your season 2 predictions...we'll see how much you got right or wrong :D on the subject of Wesley and Doyle...I have no idea what they had planned for them and if Doyle would've stayed I'm not sure that we would have seen Wes' return...but I've seen interviews where they said they had always planned to kill Doyle but I don't think they wanted it to be this early...

Ron Fehr

So Domi, do you think you'll start remembering any stuff once you get to the later seasons of Angel (stuff not involving Fred, of course)? Although you were only interested in Fred's storyline, there might be things that could trigger your memory regarding the others.