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In case you can't tell, I think I was a little bit thrown back about this episode's placement haha. But, as Adele would say, I guess.. This is the end.

Thankfully, the confusion that starts this episode most definetly gets solved in the next one.... Right? ;)


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 4x21 - The Confusion Begins (AKA Primeval) .mp4

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Henrik Holst

What is really really cool is that every single spell used at the end is in real Sumerian. "Sha me-en-den." - " We are heart." "Gesh-toog me-en-den." - "We are mind." "Zee me-en-den." - " We are spirit." "Oo-khush-ta me-ool-lee-a ba-ab-tum-mu-de-en" - " From the raging storm, we bring the power of the Primeval One. " (Enjoining spell to create ComboBuffy) "Im-a sheng-ab". - "Boil the air" (the wall ComboBuffy created as a force field). “Kur. ” - "change" (ComboBuffy transformes the missile into 3 doves).

Jordan Haddow

Just enjoy the journey and don't worry too much. As for things becoming more clear? We'll have to wait and see. A lot of fans like to dump on season 4, but it was a season of major turmoil in the show. We all have to remember Dr. Walsh's and Oz's premature departures from the show and how it affected things. Mutant Enemy is great at planning far ahead. Take for example Willow's becoming gay. Joss had said that from the beginning of the show, he knew that either Xander or Willow would end up finding out they were gay along the way. We can see Willow was decided upon way back in season 3 when in Dopplegangland Vampire Willow showed WIllow's true nature. So, we know that the show had plans set long in advance how this season was supposed to go. Then the early departures upset those plans and they had to scramble to recover the season. Add to that Doyle's early departure from Angel and the havoc that wreaked over there would still have affected the production team as some of them were involved in both shows. So yes, the season could have been better, but considering all that happened to wreck the season, I think it was really well done. Now, also, we get introduced to an added element of complexity they added to the show. The fact that the Big Bad really isn't the big bad anymore. Well, at least not the only one. Obviously Adam is the distinct big bad for this season, the fact that he's finished now, we know he isn't the only one. As mentioned before, the team is kind of its own worst enemy. Their dynamic and how well they function through the turmoils life throws at them can have a greater effect on their ability to save the world than the big bad. Add to that, each of them is also personally their own worst enemies too. Take for example Xander and his fears of being useless. All these threats are playing on separate layers at all times and intertwine at times, like how Spike used their personal issues to cause team division. Also in how they fix the team, which quiets many of their personal fears, which all combines to helping them to battle the big bad. If you go back in season 3, you can find these elements there, but I think this season really made it a more ongoing thing through the season. So, basically, the show is becoming more complex than just some big bad to defeat. It's really how life's issues are the real big bad, and so the monster needing defeating really is kind of diminished in comparison. Anyways, don't worry about being confused. We all were the first time through. Can't wait to see your face next episode. No spoilers, but it is going to be great to watch.

Loves Bitca

Yeah, i used to kind of poo poo on S4, when I looked back on it afterwards, while realizing now that I enjoyed the episodes at the time. I think we tend to look back at the season as the story of the big bad. But looking at it now it's more about the characters and the journey, and for that it's done very well. I was just looking at it from the wrong perspective before.