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I got too many damn questions.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 4x14 - The Supernatural Grief (AKA Goodbye Iowa) .mp4

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Stewart Denew

Good example of foreshadowing; the soldiers being on drugs was hinted all the way near the start of the season, where Spike tells Harmony to eat one & she refuses because "he tastes funny" & that vampires can taste things in the blood has been a point elsewhere multiple times - and even in the previous episode there was the bit with him "taking his vitamins". My take on the Tara/Willow as witches (keeping it to what's been revealed so far) is that Tara has been practicing a lot longer so while she may not have as much raw power, she has a lot more experience & understanding, while Willow is still new to things & has been stated (by Tara) to have a lot of power, but she's still seeing it far more as just a way of doing cool stuff without necessarily realising what she might be getting herself into.


It's really fun to watch you experience the twists and turns of a season. Love your love for Tara.