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Wes is such a goddamn mood and I LOVE him.


Angel 1x13 - The One With The Dancers (AKA She) .mp4

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yup...this episode is not great, but it has its moments...I'm so glad someone has warned you about the post-credit scenes because I was really worried you would miss it and that would be a shame :D

Jordan Haddow

My favorite part of the episode is Angel hiring Wes. Now he's part of the team. He's just so ridiculously happy about it too. Also, regarding getting more of Angel's history, I liked the little speech he gave about the painting. I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but he knew so much about it because he was there when it was painted. He talks about how the guy in the painting made a poem some say references an actual vampire. Obviously it does, Angel. He kind of verifies it by saying that the guy was actually taller and much more drunk than he appears in the painting. Super funny little bit and also a little bit more info on Angel's past. Oh, also, I loved hearing that your are rewatching the Buffy series already. Awesome. It just gets better when watched again. No matter how much we focus, we miss so many little details they built into the show. Rewatches allow us to uncover them and really see the layers.