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One hour of pure crying, it's so embarrassing but this episode is literally PERFECT. After rewatching I can say with more certainty, this is my favorite episode we have seen in the Buffyverse so far.

PS: I am indeed NotACrier™ so please look away. My allergies are strong this week...... That's all............


Angel 1x08 - The Sobbing Saga (AKA I Will Remember You) .mp4

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Ray D

You are definitely thinking about how SMG declined to appear in season 5 of Angel after Buffy the show wrapped up the year before she had moved on from the character (if you listen to Alyson Hanigan SMG had been ready to move on for years to star in movies). I like this episode but I never got into the Buffy/Angel relationship. It feels so “first boyfriend, teen romance” to me. It was like this love at first sight thing and mostly over the top melodramatic. Angel existed on Buffy just as a device to forward Buffy’s storylines but didn’t have his own relationship. I’m fact, I never much cared for Angel on Buffy. But I love him on Angel. The relationships that he develops with the rest of the Angel Investigation team are really great. And honestly I’m firmly in the Angel/Cordy > Angel/Buffy camp. Great reaction though.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Ok, I am not the biggest of Bangel shippers (let's face it, I've STILL not forgiven him 😉) but THIS episode makes me cry and YOU watching this episode...damn, the pollen levels are high today! Also, great dolphin noises 😂 and your absolute certainty that Buffy was never going to be on AtS was bloody hysterical!