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A lot of feelings about this one.... Just in case you can't tell. 


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 4x08 - The Suing of Writers (AKA Pangs) .mp4

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Half-ass internet research: In both movies and TV shows, actors are expected to take the necessary steps to make sure their body type fits the character they play. As with any acting role, the television execs behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer expect their actors to look the part. Which is why Nicholas Brendon was told first hand by producers that he needed to stop working out while filming, because they did not want Xander to look "too buffed." While Brendon never looked huge enough to ever be acquainted to being "buff," there were some shirtless scenes that he filmed over the course of the show -- specifically during the "Go Fish" episode of season two -- that Nicholas Brendon did look a little muscular. A little too muscular, in fact, to be believed as a scrawny, socially inept nerd on the Scoobie team.

Domi E

Haha, it’s so hilarious that they had to ask him to stop. I really thought his body this episode was even better than Go Fish though, so I’m surprised that’s the episode they reference!

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Firstly, your confidence in your Bangel moment at the start...oh dear :/ Anyway, I'm going to steer clear of discussing the stereotypes and the stuff I agree with you totally on about not handling certain things well at all. I have a very love-hate relationship with this episode. It's so freaking funny and sweet for the most part, but... I also agree with you that Angel not telling Buffy he's there is bullshit, particularly at the end. His ENTIRE reason is that it would distract her and make things more dangerous. SO WHAT ABOUT AFTER THE DANGER IS GONE?? IS HER COOKING TOO DANGEROUS TOO??? Bullshit Angel. I guess it's just for the story line but it comes over as him trying to protect himself from his emotions (which, fair enough I guess) but don't give me this 'I don't want to distract her'... from what? her mashed potatoes?!?! And I am so glad you love Anya, so do I 😍 Also, what do you mean 'can they un-invite a vampire? Have you forgotten Passion so quickly, smh ;) Speaking of which...Giles and Angel's conversation actually breaks my heart. I LOVE the fact that they both want to protect Buffy BUT that reminds me of how they could have been such good friends. And, whilst it is a small step forward that Giles doesn't seem to have resorted to a cross bow, I really don't read it as him being over Jenny at all. As Buffy is leaving Giles looks relaxed, the moment she's gone he shoves his hands in his pockets and tenses up as Angel walks behind him. In the entire scene Giles can hardly look at Angel. He briefly glances at him when he's angry about Angel telling him it's 'not his job either', very briefly when the priest's name is mentioned and only looks at him for more than a second at the end when he's angry that Angel isn't telling Buffy he's in Sunnydale. The rest of the time he looks anywhere EXCEPT at Angel. He's very guarded and tense IMO I mean, it's all interpretation, but all this seems like a very deliberate choice on ASH's part so that is always how I've read that scene, and it makes me very sad :'(