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First of all SPIKE SPIKE SPIKEEEYYYYYYYY SPIKE!!! Second of all.... I'm sorry WHAT? DEPUTY SPECIAL RILEY WHAT?! What?! ...... WHAT?


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 4x07 - The Blowing of Domis Mind (AKA The Initiative) .mp4

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R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Oh the reveal :D And the best slo-mo fight in buffyverse history🤣 And Xander's mum offering Xander and Giles fruit punch 🥰 Willow's a good friend, heart broken but helping Riley out (while threatening him with a shovel lol) This is the first time I realised that when the lights went out in the dorm all the doors locked. That's why Willow couldn't get out and you hear somebody yell 'it's not funny, let me out!' That's some power they've got! Giles and Xander are very funny together. But Giles definitely told him off a few times in the high school years. Getting Buffy turned in to a rat comes to mind lol And yes, Giles really has changed since 1x01 lol and it's amazing how well people can draw in the buffyverse. Angel, now Giles, do you think pre Angelus they used to sketch together 😂 (even Cordelia sketched that fish monster pretty well in Go Fish lol)


I cheered so much when I saw spike in the credits for the first time!!! It was like finally everything is ok in the world, like it’s supposed to be😂 he literally has so much chemistry with every cast member, you could pair him with anyone and you would have a great scene. I loved him with dru and angel, and I love him with harmony. And his scenes with willow are always hilarious, she always ends up comforting him after he tries to kill her😂😂 and his mood swings are something else, he’s so dumb I love him. As for Riley, I’ve always been kind of indifferent to him, but The more I rewatch the show the more I don’t like him, him punching Parker doesn’t make him a good guy, it was just an exhibition of machismo, and only because he apparently likes buffy and not because what he said was gross. I personally don’t condone violence outside the supernatural and since both Riley and Parker are humans, I really didn’t like that display of testosterone, if he wanted to stand up for buffy I would have appreciated more if he had done that by simply telling him that, plus he’s an assistant professor so that was also harassment and clearly unprofessional and he should have been fired for touching one of the students, even if it was the worst human being like Parker.