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I know they didn't just do this and say "Sike"... BRO what the heck..


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x17 - Enemies .mp4

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Steve Quast

The fact that you haven't seen all of Angel means you don't really know whether Cordy and Wesley had a thing. Guess you'll have to wait and see.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

There are so many great things in this episode, like somebody said, it's good on rewatch, like the way Giles says ' be careful' when Buffy leaves. After you've seen it you realise that he knows she's off to pull the trick on Faith, which is seriously dangerous. :/ How exactly they found out is a bit of a mystery, which slightly bugs me. Yes, maybe Angel becomes suspicious of Faith but that doesn't mean he knows the plan to lose his soul. Yes, Buffy notices that Faith knew where the light switch was in that poor demon's apartment, but again, no clue as to the plan. THEN the Giles says to the dark demon guy that he is grateful he came to him, which suggests that after the mayor asked him to take Angel's soul he immediately went to Giles. Which is odd when you think about it UNLESS he's a lot more aware of what happened the last year than a superficial kinda friendship with Giles. Do the sort of OK demons keep tabs on the Slayer(s) out of interest. Did this one keep tabs on Giles wanting to pay back his debt. Basically, HOW does dark demon guy know Angel has anything to do with the slayer and Giles. I basically have no clue but it's interesting to speculate. I remember the first time watching I had a very similar reaction 'No! We are NOT going there again!!!!!!!!' Such a relief!

Loves Bitca

The demon/shaman guy knows Giles and owes him a favor. He knows Giles as a white hat that operates in Sunnydale. The mayor wanting him to do something, a spell like this is obviously some big deal. Even if he doesn't know about Angel and his connection to Giles. But honestly the one and only vampire with a soul is a pretty big deal, so he probably knows of him, and general knowledge of his activities, like working with the Slayer and Giles. Even if he doesn't, a spell on a plan from the Mayor, a power player on the side of evil, wants to take away the soul of Angel, known to be a good guy in sunnydale, and the big vampire with a soul fighting for good. Makes sense he'd think that's something that concerns someone he knows who is a pretty big player in the white hat crowd in Sunnydale.