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Dear Buffy writers, it's me, Domi. I am once again begging for more Cordelia screentime. Thank you.

Also, Angel is BACK and Ms. Post goes postal? Should have seen those coming!


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x07 - Revelations .mp4

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Briony Addey

Fucking Xander. It might be his fault that Buffy even had to kill Angel. (If she'd known they were trying the spell again, she might've gone for a different battle strategy and stalled him from getting the sword out of acathla). Then this bullshit, messing with Faith's mind when he knew full well that Angel was back, not Angelus. I'm also more than a little mad at Giles- he should be getting anyone who claims an affiliation with the Council, he let Faith down here too. Plus, his outburst to Buffy, he really should have used 'i feel' - Buffy's confusion, pain and isolation on finding out Angel was back are separate from her respect for Giles and his position. It's understandable that he could feel this, but his feeling alone doesn't constitute reality. Often, when children hide painful situations from their parents, it's because they're afraid that they won't be allowed the autonomy and agency to deal with it in the way they need to. The trick if you're a parent/pastoral caregiver is to make sure enough agency/autonomy is developed enough during the little moments of childhood that they are aware of your respect for their agency and do they know they can come to you in the bigger moments, without fearing they're handing over the right to make decisions about the situation.

Domi E

Those are some good points I didn’t even take into consideration!


This goes against popular opinion, but I don't understand the difficulty with separating Angel and Angelus. Especially for all those who watched Angel. You know who he is! I will say I still have a little less than half the last season of Angel to watch(because I really hate the direction the story and characters are going) but I can't imagine anything happening that would change my mind. Angel did NOT kill Jenny Calender or torture Giles or any of the other things ANGELUS did. That would be like holding Jenny Calender responsible for anything she did/might have done when that demon took over her body! Imagine having your body taken over by the most hideous of Demons. Then you re-enter that body but are cursed with all the memories and guilt of what that Demon did. THEN you are banished to a century in hell FOR THINGS YOU HAD ZERO CONTROL OVER! I would take Jenny's fate over Angels every time and it not a difficult choice. As far as the Buffy/Giles thing I don't think there is a right or wrong. Just a very unfortunate situation. I say that because if I was Giles I would have been just as hurt and felt just as betrayed. It's easy to say how Giles should feel or react not enduring the kind of torture he was subjected to. Beyond that it could definitely come off as a lack of trust on Buffy's part which would definitely hurt. On the flip side I would have handled it the same exact way if I was Buffy. She knew deep in her heart that the man she loved was back. Otherwise she wouldn't have unchained him. It makes sense that she would be hesitant to tell anyone especially Giles. She knew that everyone would think her judgement is clouded when it came to Angel. Yet when everything was on the line she put that sword through his chest, even knowing his soul was back! Feels good knowing that at least my extended 2 cents is out there! 🙃

Domi E

Yeah that makes perfect sense, the rational part of my brain reads it and totally agrees but it all flies out of the window once I see his face and am reminded of poor Jenny 😭But I’m def having an easier time separating both characters now. It’s a great point you bring up about Jenny’s fate being better because it’s sad but so true!