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You know things are going well when you are 100% stuck in the first stage of grief: Denial. Miss Pretty Weekend Lady.... I love you :( My heart hurts SO much.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2x17 - The Destruction of Domi's Heart AKA Passion .mp4

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OH tiny thing, the bit where Giles doesn't suspect anything from the note that says "upstairs": he didn't actually see any of the notes. In fact, we only see Buffy tell Giles about that first note. Buffy just says "no human fatalities" about the fish and Willow just tells Giles that Angel showed up to talk shit to Joyce. Just a small little character/plot continuity that I appreciate. Great reaction! I had a friend react the exact same way to Jenny's death, be like "this isn't game of thrones, that can't be what just happened, the screen is too dark." I do believe Buffy's dream in Innocence that made her suspect Jenny (she, Jenny, and Angelus are at someone's funeral and Angelus says "you have to know what to see") is actually foreshadowing Jenny's death, while simultaneously reflecting Angel's metaphorical death (losing his soul) in that episode. It's up for interpretation, but the cemetery they're in looks an awful lot like the one Jenny is buried in. And Jenny yelling "people are going to die" at her uncle in Innocence is a big oof, seeing as Angelus murders both of them. Also I just realized: Innocence was about Buffy's love life falling apart, then Phases was about Willow and Oz moving to the next level, BB&B was about Xander and Cordelia truly getting together, and Passion was about Jenny and Giles reconciling and then... falling apart.

Jordan Haddow

I loved your reaction. It can be painful to be so publicly exposing your emotions, but honestly, that's what the best reactors do. I hate the ones that say they are doing a reaction and show little expression then basically do a review of the episode. I also wanted to say. For a show that is on the surface a ditzy popular blond who kills vampires, it is one of the best I've seen for character development. The writing isn't always superb, but the character development is. From the first season to the last, most of the characters are practically unrecognizable. As such, I always tell people, have tissues close at hand always with this show. Sometimes the catalyst for the most character development is devastation. It's quite true that no character is safe and even a fluff filler episode can turn on a dime and have you reaching for the tissues. Just keep in mind, most of the saddest episodes are later considered some of the best. It a while, you may feel the same with this episode. The really nice thing about this show though, a character death is pretty much always used to further character development and not just to shock the audience. They have purpose and effect on the Buffyverse. Plus, there is usually a happy or funny episode that comes along and brings back the good feels.