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Hi friends! One of my awesome Patrons, Paul (everyone say THANK YOU PAAAUL) has helped me get a 1-1 Zoom chat with Charisma Carpenter (aka Queen Cordy) and I'm super excited!! Even though I'm not sure how much time I'll have to ask questions (since I won't want to disturb the flow of the convo, so I can't promise I'll have time to actually ask the questions), I thought it would be nice to leave this post as an opportunity for you guys to leave in the comments any questions you've always wanted to ask Charisma but haven't had the chance to, and if I have the time I'll ask some :) Please just make sure they're not spoilery for me! I'm speaking to her Saturday morning so you guys have until then!

PS: I'm not allowed to record this chat either so I'll just type up whatever answers she gives!



Ask her about how her transition from Buffy to Angel came about. Get the juicy details.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

You'll have to be careful about spoilers. You might need to stick clear of Buffy topics too much except obvious season 1 ones. I'd hate for her to accidentally tell you something. You could try telling her what happened in the last few episodes you watched and hopefully she'll know what you haven't seen. But it's been a long time so maybe not. Anyway, not wanting to worry you or anything, just thought I'd point that out. I can't really help with Angel questions because I haven't seen it all yet (plus you haven't seen S1 and S2.....boy, you're going to have to be careful :/ ) And on that stressful note I will bid you goodnight :D

Domi E

Haha, I’m sure we’ll make it work out even with my very weird Buffyverse knowledge! I think I’ll probably stick to broader themes to be safe (like what she was just discussing on instagram live about screenwriting projects she’s been working on and all)