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Ok but this last scene literally broke my brain. Like it really short circuited and shut off. I have so much beef with Joss, but I have to say this is one of the most well written and beautiful episodes of Television I have ever seen, and it has such beautiful and honest quotes. WOW. I freaking love this show. I get it guys. I think I really freaking get it.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2x07 - Lie To Me .mp4

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Jordan Haddow

Also, you discussed how Cordelia and Oz weren't in this episode and others. I don't think it has so much to do with the characters as much as the realities of tv show production. You'll notice non-main characters go missing when they have guest star roles that take up a notable amount of time in the episode. I think the show only budgets for so many actors in a given episode, so if they was an outside character to feature, the money that pays for the actor comes from the budget that normally pays for the non main characters. Also, dialog takes time and each episode is only so long. So, in reality, for an episode to make sense and not seem cramped or rushed, you can only have so many characters contributing to the dialog. So don't worry, it doesn't mean the characters aren't important. Also, they will usually be in the big episodes like finales and such that have larger budgets.


Yes Spike has feelings and 'loves' Dru. He is a demon but vampires take on the memories and personality of the human...there are flashbacks of Spike but not sure if it was on Buffy or Angel. I remember his human self was quite sensitive so that probably makes Spike more prone to affection compared to other vampires.