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Releasing this a day early since I'll be sharing the table read tomorrow! Okay so this episode was like..... Quite a ride? Can I blame Xander for falling for the hot Inca Mummy Girl when I would have done the same? Nope...


Buffy The Vampire Slayer 2x04 - Inca Mummy Girl .mp4

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R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Xander is a bit frustrating, he does good, he does bad, he does good ;) I love that somebody can see how amazing Willow is. Also, it's nice to have a 'villain' who Buffy can empathise with and who has reasons. Sorry about the Cordelia lack....and Jenny :( I'm a bit hurt you don't think Giles cares about Buffy's welfare :''( her social life, sure, but last episode he was going to charge out of the library to help, a few episodes ago he was off to face the Master.....I'm gonna assume you mis spoke ;) Although, he was obviously missing Jenny as well so maybe he was feeling grumpy ;) I liked your idea about funny moments as she tried to figure out how a microwave works etc lol This episode is a bit rife with casual racism :( Buffy may be progressive in some ways but it's really not in others!

Raven Dark

Yes. Sven's (Cordy's exchange student) character did NOT age well at all. And since I ragged on Domi for her reaction to Xander, allow me to flip that on it's head, here. LOL I hated the way he talked to Upata at the start. That whole, slow, halting thing people do with someone when they assume they don't speak good English, like they think they're dumb. I can't stand when people do that. Yeah, the thing about Giles not caring about Buffy had me sort of scratching my head a bit. He adores her. He's just a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to the slayer socializing. LOL But he's kind of like that slightly stern father figure who keeps telling his kid to focus on school. To be fair, though, I think it's only because he knows how high the...er...*stakes* are. :D

Tom Tattershall

You mentioned Umpata didn't seem nearly as confused/amazed by modern life as a newly awakened mummy should be. I got the impression she was always aware of her surroundings and able to hear as a mummy because she knew the names of the cities her mummy exhibit toured and somehow also knew English very well. Although if she was aware for all 500 years she was remarkably sane when she awoke. Or possibly she absorbed knowledge along with the life-force of her victims.