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THE BETRAYAL!!!!! i can't even. and also getting to see my darla, awww <3




Et tu, Skip? Yes, Domi, Skip really is a "bad guy". Oh, the betrayal! I have to agree with you that it is both mind-blowing and deeply upsetting when Skip tells us that everything leading up to this point was pre-planned by some (evil?) higher power. It is a gut punch and beyond baffling to think about. Also, knowing that Joss Whedon (and possibly some of the writers) is an Existentialist, it really doesn't make sense to me from that perspective. Whedon's whole approach to BtVS, and I believe for AtS as well, is that we cannot control the world around us, but we can always make choices and commit to those choices' meaning and direction within our lives. This little speech by Skip seems to fly in the face of that theory, as if everything is predestined and we in fact are not making any choices that affect our lives at all. But- Skip being a bad guy and all, he may not be the most reliable source for this information. And if what he says is the case, then how do we explain Fred's next moves/choices? I, for one, choose to believe he is lying (see what I did there?).

Vicky N

The writing on this show really reeks of desperation to make nonsensical plots make sense. Every thing that happened this season regarding the main plot have been preposterously contrived. As for the criticism of Connor, he is arguably the worst character on the show, but it is ridiculous to hate him for being the victim of manipulation his entire life. He was brought up in a hell dimension where his only human interaction was with a person who hated (for good reason) his biological father. It’s not something you shake up in a few months. The fact that he is particularly susceptible to “Cordy’s” manipulation is explained by the fact that his entire existence has been engineered to bring forward the Being borne at the end f the episode. So calling him stupid for that is not understanding the plot, as bad as it is. I think Darla represents Connor’s soul and it’s obvious that by the end when he kill the girl, it’s been overtaken by Cordy.

Alex Wright

This season makes a lot more sense -after hearing what Charisma has said about it - if you see it as Joss Whedon taking revenge on Charisma Carpenter for getting pregnant by doing a character assassination of Cordelia and even having her give birth to seemingly an Antichrist like figure.

Ron Fehr

I never found Gina Torres particularly beautiful. Not ugly, but not beautiful, in my opinion.

Ron Fehr

Skip saying that all this was planned made me think of something. Like Buffy coming back from the dead, giving the First the opportunity to use her likeness, did Cordy getting the visions give Gina Torres's character the idea to use Cordy for her purpose?