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the time is finally here y'all. i'm going to try and avoid the mental breakdown i'm having over finishing buffy so soon, and focus on how excited i am to branch out and do something different! it's time to pick what show will be "replacing" buffy so...

please comment below any and all shows you'd be interested in seeing me react to.

feel free to comment as many shows as you want, there are no restrictions (re: genre, length etc.)... anything is fine for right now, as long as you think i'll enjoy it. pls only comment the tv-show name though. don't include any details (actors, storylines)... lets keep it vague.

for those who are curious, there will be more detailed info on how the show will be picked in the comments below (don't want to make this post enormous).

so excited for our new adventures! <3


ps: personally, i'd love to watch charmed, veronica mars or firefly. i've been dying to watch these and i think it's a vibe you guys would like? let me know!!


Matthew Swisher

I would add myself to the list of people who would like to see a reaction to Charmed(1998) or Agents of Shield. But seeing as there is no restriction to genre, my personal recommendation would be Farscape.

Eric H

Please, Please watch Firefly. Glad I was not the only one to mention it here. Such a wonderful and unique show.