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Hello, Buster here.

Since two weeks ago I've been playing Nikke, because I think I have more time for that, but also looking for girls to draw from there. I had already thought of some girls, but when I got Marciana in one of my pulls I instantly thought: "That's it, I'm lewding her". And it just happened that a couple of days later a new costume for her was announced. A very bold and revealing one, so much that even for Nikke's fanservice standards seemed a bit too much, as Privaty points out in one line in the dialogues of the current "Colorless" event.

And I quote:

"What the... what is going on with your outfit?! Are you trying to seduce the Commander?!"

Well, let's go with that, yes, she was trying to... And it worked, as you can see, lol.

Once again, I had my fun with the background, and in addittion (specially) to IRL chores that took more time than I would like and to an IndyCar race yesterday, I couldn't get this work as quick as I wanted, but also I don't think I took too long to finish. I've been more finishing a piece in a week or a bit less, so I won't complain to much.

So, I hope you enjoy this new artwork. And thank you for your support! Oh, by the way, expect more Nikke in the future too, and I'm also adding them to the girls that can be featured on polls, which expect news of them really soon.

See ya later.



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