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Dear patrons! We all watch news and see what's going on in the world, so I think I don't have to explain. I was delaying this announcement as much as I could, hoping for the best, but today PayPal was oficially blocked in Russia. Here are some big changes in our interaction:

 - All merch sending is frozen. During the war happening because of Russia, and my country acting like an aggressor, the sky is closed and planes are not flying. The post service still can't give me the clear answer about the package's destiny, so I decided to not send anything untill the situation gets stabilised. Merch lovers tier will still see merch arts and WIPs I am creating right now, and once conflict is over you will receive one big pack of the new stuff!

- Play the Record is delayed for undefined period. I'm very sorry to say this, but during this all I`m experiencing some lack of inspiration and motivation to do anything. 

- Commission queue is closed for undefined period. PayPal is oficially blocked in Russia. It means I can't receive money from here and from commissions. Right now I am looking for the alternatives and will let you all know as soon as I find it. Patreon in it's letter promised me to save all the money I have here, it keeps working with Russians and it will keep charging you monthly. 

- The most important thing: I`m still here and still drawing! Things are awful and getting worse every day, but I will stay here until I have the internet connection! You will get your promised rewards, exclusives, commission WIPs and monthly sketches! 

Thank you for reading this all. In the conclusion I want to say thank you for your support. It always meant a lot for me, and it means even more when all the world turns away from my country and me personally. I hope we will get through this together! Whatever you decide after reading this, I thank you for all the feedback and support you gave.

I wish Ukrainians a peaceful sky above their heads. 



Stay safe and hope that things will soon return to normalcy ^^


I'm so sorry you're having to experience this... Nevertheless, I will continue to be subbed to you here and I emplore everyone else to do the same if they can. Thank you for all your amazing content and we wish you the absolute best!


It's understandable, stay safe and take care of yourself!


Stay safe and let’s hope things get better soon.


We'll be here for you, Jed.