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New build with: 

  • 2 Characters (Maen and Sa)
  • 7 CG sets
  • 1 Animation
  • 13 NSFW Scenes.
  • 4 of said scenes for Dungeon Girls.
  • 2 New EXTRA ART unlocks.
  • 1 Journal Pinup (Ivy)
  • 1 Book
  • 1 Minigame
  • 3 Merchant portraits
  • 1 Location rework (Hills)


  • Fixed a FATAL ERROR happening when going to sleep under certain conditions.
  • Updated the Patron board.

Hotfix .2

  • New Loop scene for Janet/Crystal Kitchen duo. (Go into Janet's shop in the morning)
  • New Loop scene for Janet/Crystal Waking up HJ/Threesome. (Ask to sleep in Janet's house, it'll choose Crystal randomly) 
  • New art for Janet/Crystal Waking up HJ.
  • New Loop scene for Erza's magic ritual. (It'll trigger randomly on entering the Tomb at the mornings)
  • New art for Erza's Magic ritual scene.
  • New scene for Ivy.
  • Added a new Journal entry for Ivy's new scene.
  • New scene for Scarlet. (was already in the game, but we didn't implement it properly/announce it)
  • Expanded the Scarlet's BJ Journal entry to encompass the new art.
  • Journal section for Maen and Sa.
  • Expanded the Journal entry for Janet/Crystal scenes to encompass several events.
  • Fixed issues with full-screen display not saving/applying on boot.
  • Fixed issues with UI scaling not updating correctly in some instances.
  • Minor bugfixing/QoL


  • Fixed Janet/Crystal morning scene loop not triggering.

Dungeon girls will not have Journal entries at the moment

Android Installation: If you download the .apk, please make sure that the filename hasn't changed after the download, some  phones change the extension to .zip for security. If that's the case change it back to .apk and install. If this doesn't work, try using a different file manager to open the file.



Gaston Murteza

you sir, deserve absolute respect!


I'm stuck at a hard crash when loading my old save visiting Ivy & Scarlett in bed where there's an option to have Ivy look on or join in. Either option crashes the game ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object o_sleep_transition: trying to index a variable which is not an array at gml_Script_sleep ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_sleep (line -1) gml_Object_o_sleep_transition_Create_0


I second Orion's issue. It's preventing any situation that would begin a new day. I've/ scarlet night scenes or even just sleep.


Nice! I know this update barely dropped, but I'm excited for the Amber content that's on deck now!

Alessandro D'Oliveira

Do you have to be defeated by dungeon girls to unlock their scenes?👀


I have tried that, and it does not seem to result in an H scene. Not sure how to get them yet!


how do u unlock the two new girls?


Hey, I'm confused about the journal pinup. I thought Ivy's pinup was already in the game? In the pinup shop it seems like the one that was previously "Ivy" is now "Lily" (I know because I bought seven of them). I bought the new "Ivy" one but it didn't seem to unlock anything new in the journal. Very impressed with all of this otherwise!


One bug: every time you go to the last floor of the dungeon you can get a new staff of wisdom, and redo the last quest of Ivy.


I am relatively certain that the old pinup was for Lily. I bought the new one for Ivy, and it populates in her journal entry for me.


Talk to Luna about hiring someone, and do the tasks she assigns. Once you've completed them, wait a few days.


I also experienced this. It had been so long since I'd done that quest that I didn't even realize it was a bug at first.


Is anyone else getting some glitching where the Ivy & Scarlett scenes triggers even in the morning / afternoon? I'm also stuck on how to find the new Amber & Janet scene.


*Crystal & Janet alt scenes will be added shortly in a hotfix (they aren't new CG's, only dialogue alterations)


Hmm... I have unlocked what I THINK are all of the CGs, but haven't encountered a new book yet and I am not getting the usual indication that I have completed all the content. I wonder if maybe someone could give me a hint in the right direction? EDIT: I think the book is actually just a story sold by the vendor that I DO have.


Downloaded and updated like I've always done but this time I lost all my saves files. 🤦🏼


Would it be possible to replay EZRA dungeon scene when she is rewriting the domain?


I'm confused. I got up to the part where I do the puzzle for the sealed Hex container, but nothing happens after. My inventory says I only have two containers, and none of the three NPCs are giving me anymore


Luna doesn't give you a hex container, but it points you towards one (it's in that same room)

Gaston Murteza

hello! after getting the leefa nut item i cant advance to the next day, everytime i try to sleep the game crashes


Level 28 boss is way overtuned, and lately the new updates have become too grindy imo.


Plenty of players (and myself while testing) got all the content in the new update under 20ish minutes, I don't see that as a massive grind for 8 scenes (That's a scene per 2.5 minutes of gameplay) As for the final boss, I'll give you that it can be somewhat boring (due to high HP) but it's far from a challenging fight unless you rush in under-leveled and with 0 preparations. Just equipping a combat artifact (Golden Bracer / VPH / Mystic Cowl) and an XL potion it's enough to make that fight pretty easy. And the Emerald Naamu Blesssing outright trivializes ANY dungeon boss.


I'm trying to download Android but no success.


I ran into a similar issue. It would always download as .APK.zip and I couldn't rename it. I used Firefox instead of chrome on my phone and that fixed it.

Anggoro Gede Waseso

I know it says that the dungeon girls have no journal entry yet, but how the heck do i even acquire the scenes? is it by losing to them? :D or is it still inaccessible until you add their entry? Edit: Figured it out, ignore this XD


Where do you find Maen and Sa?


Ok iv downloaded the Android apk and unpacked it, how do I install it?


You don't unpack it. Sometimes when you download the apk, it'll change the file extension to "aurelia_v_22.apk.zip". Use a file explorer and delete the ".zip" and install the newly renamed file by clicking it.

Michael Huff

Fwiw "Files" from Google seems to not add the .zip and everything just worked.


Is there any actions to be taken to be able to see the Janet/crystal scene? Even on hotfix 3 the scene won't shows up


Visit them in the morning (You also need the whole questline to be completed)


I seem to be having trouble with the new ivy and scarlet scenes. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get them. Any hints?


They are introduced early in the story, you can watch them via Journal (Scarlet's is In the BJ scene)


Thanks Mirthal! About the questline how do I know if I already completed?


I'm having trouble figuring out what the new Janet/Crystal quest is. I accidentally double clicked over it. EDIT: I've looked in the dialogues.txt file but I can't find where on the map to find the creamy milk. I've been all over with no hope.


What dungeon girls have scenes? I've played through all the stages and only have 2 creatures offer scenes, the ox and sayre.

Anggoro Gede Waseso

Ox, Satyr, Medusa-looking creature(blue), and pig-looking creature which is actually a kobold i just found out when the scene started XDDD. Maybe it's because i played Darkest Dungeons, so i just see that creature as a pig thing. I'm blind sometimes...

Michael Huff

Yeah, I'm confused as well. So scarlet's new scene is the wood chopping and ivy's new scene is an addition to the masturbating scene? Side note, thank you for all that you do Mirthal!


How do you trigger a scene in the dungeon?


I'm having an issue launching the game. Every time I open it, the game just closes itself immediately.

Robert Hill

How do you get the NSFW scenes for the dungeon?


is my old save still usable in this build ?


The game keeps crashing after loading in on start up. Any help would be appreciated


Hello. =) Quick heads-up on a few bugs and other issues i noticed. They occurred to me in the Android build (running an a google-free OS) and *may* also happen on the regular desktop build. I have no screenshots for you, though. When saving or loading the game, a few items were not properly handled. May also be the cuscenes’ doing, but i only noticed it because i check my inventory first after loading the game. - All bottles of wine i had disappeared. - After finishing the Stellan Piece quest, i still have both, the broken and fixed one in my inventory. - After supposedly having given the green bone tea away, i still have it. When booting up for the first time, the 100% UI scale of the Android build made it really hard to go into the menu and change it. On desktop that’s perfectly fine. On fat-fingered mobile that’s suboptimal. I’d recommend setting the default UI scale to maybe 250-300% on mobile by default, so it’s easier to change it to whatever one prefers. It’d also be nice if UI scaling also impacted dialog text and the main menu entries. For the save/load game menu, UI scaling seems to push the datetime stamp into the neighbouring labels to the right. Another accessibility issue for mobile: - A lot of times where an action or decision follows a line of dialog or a minigame phase, it’s too easy to *accidentally* trigger said action/decision. Less of a problem on desktop, because mouse clicks have more haptic feedback than the very sensitive touch displays. - The bar minigame could use some bigger hit boxes for the drinks. It happened way too often to me that i accidentally started grabbing the drinks too low and thus didn’t actually grab any drink at all. Make the hitboxes bigger and let them go all the way down to the edge of the screen would be my suggestion. After all, especially in such a hectic situation, i cannot see below my thumb. =) I don’t remember where, i think it was one of Lily’s dialog options at the shop, the last dialog option had no proper translation, iirc. I think it said »main: Leave« instead of just »Leave«. It’d be nice to make it possible to scroll through menus via dragging. I.e. hold down the thumb somewhere in a list widget and then drag the list up or down to scroll. The scrollbars to the right are rather tiny and imprecise. So, that’s all i have, hope it helps improving the game. =) I’m really impressed with all the progress you made. Last time i played it there wasn’t even an RPG level-up system in there. It integrates so well with all the mini games! Happy developing!