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  • WISEMAN - Max LvL.
  • TOTHEBRIM - Unlocks all achievements.
  • APOTHECARY - All ingredients.
  • SLUMDOG - Adds a million gold.
  • PANACEA - Gives you tons of potions 
  • LEWDMAGE - Ivy will be naked on all her portraits.



with the lewdmage cheat, how do i disable it?


Is the last code reversible?


I can't recall from memory if introducing the code again reverts it, as that cheat is quite old, if it doesn't, I'll add that function. It will be disabled if you close/open the game again, that's for sure.


I tried using the wiseman cheat, and it tells me it's wrong when I type it in.


Would love a cheat that functions the same as the Ivy nude cheat but for all the characters.


While it would be nice, would also take a massive amount of artwork, and delay everything else. We do have plans for more nude and pinup stuff tho, but it's going to take a bit.


Certainly it's a low priority- keep up the great work. Way down the line, maybe. :) I personally think given the amount of content in the game so far, you guys have found a great pace.