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One of our milestones has been broken this month, and Aurelia’s 2nd birthday is coming in a month. So it’s a time to celebrate.

We decided to make a contest, to give back to the community in the best way we know.

The prizes:

  A total of $1250!

  • 1st - 450$
  • 2nd - 250$
  • 3rd - 150$
  • 4th - 100$
  • 5-10th - 50$

  The requirements:

  • The entry can be any piece of creative content. Drawings, stories, movies, cosplay, games. Whatever content you can create.
  • The entry must be inspired by Aurelia, depicting its characters and locations.
  • The entry must be a new piece of art, created for this contest.
  • One entry per person

  How much time do you have?

  • Until April 17 (12:00PM CT) 

Where do I send my stuff?

  • Via Reddit, in r/aureliagame
  • Via discord, in our server #challenge channel.
  • Via Twitter, by doing an @MirthalGames with your entry.

  Judging process?

Our team will pick the 10 entries that we find better suited, with our priorities being quality, effort, originality and how much it reflects Aurelia.

After that, we’ll let our patrons vote for the entries and the winners will be decided.

  What will you do with my art?

All the art for the contest will be publicly available and free to access.

We will share the entries in our Twitter and Discord.

You can share your entry as much as you want, both before and after the contest.
It’s your creation, be proud of it : D

  How the payment will be made?

Paypal only.

  Any basic information about a setting or background?

Aurelia is set on a medieval-fantasy world, filled with magic and exotic races (elves, halflings, demons, slime-girls), wonder and adventure are the main themes surrounding it.

  Do I really have to play the game?

No, but it’ll undoubtedly give you an edge. Also, the game its free.

  Has to be NSFW or SFW?

Your choice.

  Has to be canon?

No, feel free to make up whatever you feel like.  

  Any restrictions?

Follow the Patreon TOS.




Definitely putting this on my to-do list later


May other devs participate? :3


This is exciting!


If I do a rough story (a general idea) does that count towards this? I have a big story idea in my head but it might conflict with your idea for the story. I am just wondering.


Don't be afraid of doing something "non-canon"! I don't mind what you come up is different from what I would come up, or conflicts with the story in any way. Just be carefull with the story lenght, we will likely have a lot to review, so keeping it short and sweet will play in your favor.


Thank you! I'll post it on reddit once I get it collected into a post. It really is a great game. Thank you so much.