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Hi everyone!

We loved seeing the enthusiasm for turning the Bandit King lair into a Greco-Roman Baths.  Amazing how many of you can find a place for it in your games.

We hope this works for you - we've made the two large chambers open-air, with deep pools. There's plenty of benches for sitting round and chatting, changing rooms, a steam room and more.

This 30x60 map will be in the May reward bundle




This is really wonderful, thank you! I am happy when alternate maps are really a whole new style! There's no way I could cobble together such a great new look from the original map. Bravo! Thank you Joe & Sarah.

Ryan Rogers

Hey there, I know you were originally hoping Lore of Lurue in March but things happen...trust me I know how that goes! Didn't happen in April, and haven't seen it mentioned for May. With only a week left in April, do you think you'll be able to squeeze it in this month? Or perhaps in May if not? I 100% appreciate that it can't be charged for on Patreon (which sucks), and the DMSGuild sales are probably lackluster (which sucks), and the DMSGuild cut is abysmal (which sucks), and you can't just do maps-only (which sucks), but here's an idea... One thing you could do to spread the work but still guarantee continual forward progress out is just do a single map a month, drop it on Patreon as a free release (since it can't be charged for), then once you have the map set done, do the rest of the content and publish on DM's Guild. I can promise you many of us will STILL buy it. 100%. This is literally what Venatus does. Each month he drops 1 Candlekeep map. 10 days ago he dropped Fistandia's Mansion from The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces. Last month it was the Mstaba of Hamukai, whereby he finished Alkazaar's Appendix. The month prior in February it was Haruun from the same adventure. 1 map a month, like clockwork. The advantage of this approach is it's much easier to "fit in" just one map in a given month without significantly diluting the time spent on things that generate revenue that month. My fear is that trying to schedule the entire thing, productized as required by DMS Guild, to fit in one month just won't make business sense (and is likely why it hasn't been happening). However, by taking a *tiny* slice each month, 1-2 days, just to do a map, release it on Patreon to appease us folks, then every few months once that map set is done, adding the support materials and publishing, and get it on DMS Guild. Continual forward progress without the massive single-month commitment needed to make the entire thing and productize it. If it's a 3-map adventure, perhaps it gets spread over 4 months: 1 month per map, and 1 month for supporting materials and productization for DMS Guild. It may be 8 or so total days of work, but MUCH easier to fit that in over 4 months vs 1!!! And, your supporters keep getting something every single month! Just a thought... :-)

Heroic Maps

It's actually just the case that we've had a very busy couple of months, and aside from the Patreon releases and some big releases coming out soon on DTRPG (as well as the huge Wyrmwand Towers), we've not had space for other maps. Having Covid in the household last month, as well as a trip to Rome, meant that our regular schedule was affected. We've actually made space in our regular schedule for good progress for Candlekeep and Golden Vault