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Hey everyone,

Time for a preview!

For May's MotM, we've got a 30x60 dungeonesque Bandit King lair, with great halls, burning braziers and cells for prisoners.

We've got some fun variants planned for it, including an overgrown ruin and a Witch King throne room.


How would you reimagine this map? How can we change it to make it into something else? What else could this space be used for? What new theme or location?

Remember your suggestion should be a fantasy idea that is a re-imagining of this map, rather than something completely new.

Put your ideas in the comments, and we'll pick our favourites and create a poll for you.




An opulent and secret meeting place for the very rich who have tastes for things so exquisite it is almost beyond imagining! Rooms to satisfy many pleasures for the body, mind and soul. Something for every sin that only the most wealthy can afford that even then, they are still not satisfied.