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Hey everyone!

For this month's MotM, we've got a rather different map - an Elven Wedding in a forest and ancient glade. It's a 30x60 map, with one half dedicated to the wedding feast, and the top half featuring the sacred grove and a lovely waterfall.

Variants - we've actually got 4 variants planned for this, instead of the usual 3 - Wedding at night, wedding massacre, and Elven glade in summer and autumn (removing wedding furniture). We'll preview those later this month.


For this month's alt-version, we want to hear how you'd reimagine or reuse this space. How could it be changed or reskinned?  What could be here instead of the stone circle and benches? What else could this map be?

Put your comments below, and we'll pick our favourites to go into a poll :)

Have a great day!





If you run a Post Apocalyptic setting, a hell/Avernus setting, a snow/Icewind setting, a city/Waterdeep setting, a mountain setting, etc, etc... none of these added variants are useful. Please don't make so many temperate forest maps. Anything without green grass + trees would be good.


What about some sort of fey forest market? Selling things out of the ordinary