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Hey all,

Just a quick question - are you planning on getting the Roll20 Golden Vault module?

Second question - if you are, would you be willing to add us as a co-GM to a new placeholder game so we can see the dynamic lighting etc?

We're doing maps for Golden Vault, but can't do the drag-and-drop Roll20 replacement images unless we can check they align properly (and Roll20 has a habit of shifting map elements by a few cms in a canvas.

In return, you'll get a copy of any Golden Vault releases we put on DMsGuild.


We'll get in touch with the first person that can help



I'm interested in this proposal. I already have the module purchased at Roll20 and I should have access to the adventure soon. If there is still a need feel free to message me.

Ryan Rogers

Please finish Candlekeep first. :-) I'm marginally interested in the maps. Not interested in Roll 20. :-) If I'm being honest, I'm more interested in seeing your Candlekeep series finished, especially having read Golden Vault. There are like 3 good modules in Golden Vault. At best. :-( We'll run those 3, eventually. Maybe. Your Candlekeep maps are by far the best on the market (I've bought every pack), but your series stops after the first 7 adventures, of which we've now run 6. I'd really would like to see to final 8: Lore of Lurue Candlekeep Dekonstruction Zikran's Zephyrean Tome The Curious Tale of Wisterial Vale The Book of Inner Alchemy The Canopic Being The Scrivern's Tale Alkazaar's Appendix A few of those are VERY small...just 1 or 2 maps.. You've already done the two biggest chapters, by far. You could do 3 of those in less time than it took to do Sarah of Yellowcrest, easily. Sarah of Yellowcrest was my groups favorite all-time adventure so far, and it's not even the best of what Candlekeep has to offer. I understand the realities of market timeliness, but it would be a real shame if you stopped this series at the halfway point... :-( But, there's not been a single release in it in nearly a year. I also understand that as the sales and interest in a module wanes over time. This will be 100% true of of Keys from the Golden Vault just as it was with Candlekeep Mysteries. 100%. So, does this mean In 6 months, will you stop half-way through that series as well wen market interest wanes and the latest adventure put out doesn't sell very well? What kind of commitment do folks considering running that campaign, and considering using your maps, have when you didn't finish the Candlekeep series? Because they are two sides of the same coin. The same market realities of one exist for the other. At 1 chapter a month (at best), by the time you're half way through GV, 80% of the folks who are going to run GV are going to be through with all of it. And, market value and demand will wane. Just as it did with Candlekeep. What assurance do people have that the series will be finished? The only evidence they have to look at is Candlekeep, the same type and size of module, stopped at the midway point. There is demand for Candlekeep to be finished. Check the DMs Guild comments. Just this past Valentine's Day: "Hey, are you going to do the rest of the book" "I love all the maps and additional contents you created for Candlekeep Mysteries so far! It really adds to the campaign. Thank you for that! Since there's been no update in a long time, however, do you still plan on doing the rest of the adventures as well?" Again, I get that this is a business. Food on the table. GV Chapter 1 will outsell Candlekeep Chapter 8. By a mile. But there is loss-leader value in having a complete series. There is value in having that ONLY complete bundle on DMSGuild where a year from now, somebody who finally gets around to running a CK campaign can in ONE PURCHASE pick up the complete set. Just as I would have if it had been done. So, yeah, that's my vote. Before going down another rabbit hole, let's finish digging out the first one. :-P

Heroic Maps

We're not intending to stop Candlekeep - we definitely want to continue doing it, and have plans to. What does impact our ability to make maps for DMsGuild is that DMsGuild won't allow us to just sell maps - we have to essentially release a supplement that the maps just happen to be part of. So, that's immediately more work. When we first did maps for D&D adventures (we started with Dragon Heist) we just put the maps on, and DMsGuild deactivated them a week later with a very vague excuse that maps on their own aren't allowed, but can be part of a larger product. Secondly, there's a discrepancy in pricing structures. Based on time and effort of the maps in a Candlekeep adventure, if we put the maps on sale on DTRPG individually they'd collectively have a price of $30+. There's no way we can charge that much for a map pack on DMsGuild - some people moan about $6 for a pack with 5 maps, so no chance of that. So, we always have to undercharge to make it competitive in that particular market. And, with DMsGuild taking 50% royalty, it's not overly attractive. So, we do want to make map packs for official D&D adventures, including Candlekeep, but it's a difficult balance finding time in our schedule when we already have Patreon committments, and the better profits from releasing new maps on DTRPG.

Ryan Rogers

Thanks for the prompt reply! Yep, I'm aware of the DMs Guild requirements, and in fact I 100% see the value in them. The stuff you added to Sarah of Yellowcrest for Greenfast was awesome, as was the detail added to Neverwinter for the Amberdune stuff. It's great stuff. I've used almost all of it in every one of the first 7 advventures, and where I haven't, it has served as a springboard for other ideas. I fully understand the dynamics of the time constraints those demands place upon you, and when combined with the massive percentage cut WotC demands through DMSGuild, what the means for pricing and how it can push the module up beyond what is reasonable. While I'm not particularly price sensitive,I also fully realize I'm in the minority of the market. Time is far more valuable to me. The right product at $25 is more valuable than something half-baked at $5. The $20 savings is not worth 2 to 3 hours to whip it into shape. I know we've talked about this in the past. If we could just see some progress, even just say 1 chapter every 3 months, that would be fantastic. That would get the book done in 2 years. Plus, a few of the remaining chapters are VERY small. You ended on the doozie lol, Sarah of Yellowcrest is massive. It took us well over 30 hours of play, and has tons of maps. There are other folks still working on Candlekeep (some under Fan Policy), but like I said...your stuff is the best. ;-) That of course is the other option...to releaae say *1* map a month, not the entire adventure , under Fan Content Policy here on Patreon. Then, when you have all of the maps done for a given chapter...bundle it up (with the necessary additional content) to sell on DMS Guild. I for one would still buy it. 100%.


I second this, I’m not too hyped about the Golden Vault but I really like Candlekeep and would love to see the series completed and would definitely buy it, both the maps and the written content are of excellent quality but I’m really disappointed that the series appears abandoned