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Hey everyone!

We thought we'd start the month with a new feature we're calling Campaign Check-In!

We'll start it off  :)    Our D&D games had been on a short hiatus over Christmas, but we've started up with a brand new campaign, following a pair of Dwarves that are going to soon embark on a wide-ranging journey! Their initial adventure saw them in some dark caves, looking for a lost miner.

Your games!

We'd love to hear what's happening in your games! Let us know in the comments:

  • What's happened in the last session?
  • What have you got planned for the coming month?
  • What system are you playing?
  • Which maps have you used?

-- Patreon Schedule --

5th February - Rewards: February's rewards bundles should be ready for download.  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their rewards DTRPG codes.  This will contain all the maps, whilst the adventure supplement and the one page GM resource are uploaded to Patreon.

7th February - MotM: We'll preview your March Map of the Month.

9th February-  Poll: 48hr poll opens for the Alt version of the Map of the Month. You decide what we make.

15th February- Sci-Fi: Reveal of March's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons.

22nd February- Alt-Map: We'll preview the finished version of your March Alt-map., and variants of the MotM

25th February - Third Map: We'll preview the Third Map :)

28th February- MegaDungeons: March's next levels for the MegaDungeon and Sci-Fi MegaMap levels are ready for a preview.

Reward Delivery Reminder

We use DrivethruRPG to deliver our rewards.  On Rewards Day you'll get sent a set of codes for the maps which have been uploaded to DrivethruRPG (the maps that your support has funded) .

Clicking these codes will add the maps to your DTRPG account for free. You are then free to download the maps whenever you choose - they'll stay in your account at DTRPG forever. We just ask that you click the code and claim the maps within 2 months of receiving the code.

Now's a good time to make sure you've claimed last month's rewards :)



Jeremy Suiter

I'm just this week having a first session with a new Pathfinder 1st edition group. We'll be doing character creation and setting the tone and expectations for a classic fantasy campaign in a homebrew world. With at least one first-time TTRPG gamer and another first-time PF player, I want to make it a traditional fantasy feel, but keep them on their toes with lots of twists and turns and reversals of well-worn tropes. I'm going to run the PF1 module "The Dragon's Demand" with a few customizations. Trying to work in the Wizard's Snowglobe as that really captured my imagination. I will probably also try to substitute as many Heroic Maps as possible for the ones in the module, as the quality is far superior!


All of these comments prompt me to say, that although Heroic Maps are beautiful (I'm an RPG cartographer by trade, so I know well the work and skill involved), what sets them apart from so many others is that each map suggests_ story._ It's not just a lich tomb or a dwarven ruin, but each room has the kernel of an idea, a thing to explore, a place for an ambush—an activity. Too many commercial maps are just a network of empty rooms with a common rendering.