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Hi everyone,

We're really excited with this next map preview!

For the Third map, we asked you at the start of the month to suggest maps around the keyword 'barrier'. We really loved Andrew Croft's idea of a being trapped inside a wizards snowglobe.

We loved the story potential of this, so wanted to give you lots of ways of playing it.

We've made a map depicting a cabin in the forest, the home of a wizard. It's the summer.  If you look on the desk in his study you'll see a snowglobe. Looking carefully, you'll notice that it contains a miniature model of the same cabin, but in winter.  And then, bang - you're inside the snowglobe, on the desk!  If you look at the desk inside the snowglobe cabin, you'll see it also has a snowglobe, but this contains the house in summer! Maybe a way to escape?

You'll get both summer and winter snowglobes, plus summer and winter forest cabins, so you can play it whichever way you want.  

These maps will be in the February reward bundle!



René Bargisen

It would also be very usefull if the maps without the wizards house would be available! One can never have to many maps like these :-) :-)


Holy smokes! This is so fun! I am totally going to work this into my campaign.