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VTT Vault - Q1 2023

Hi there!

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File format - 72dpi, 140px per square, less than 10mb, non-grid.

  • Kingsfleet Air Dock
  • Kingsfleet Air Dock Storm
  • Port Highcliff
  • Port Highcliff Winter
  • Parsgritt Sand Sea Dock
  • The Courage of Kings Airship
  • Fort Lionclaw
  • Lionclaw Pass
  • Fort Lionclaw Ruined
  • Iceshade Fort
  • Fort Sharktooth
  • The Wizard's Snowglobe
  • Temple of the Forge Father
  • Temple of the Forge Father Ruined
  • The Astral Forge
  • The Dark Forge of the Duergar
  • Hall of the Sands of Time
  • Oncewall Village
  • Cave of the Sea Beast (Maps 1,2, 3, 4 ,5of 6)



Daniel Chan

Hello. Concerning Cave of the Sea Beast, I'm attempting to connect maps 4 and 5 with the initial three. The sequence of 1-2-3 is clear. And 5 seems to descend into 4 via the stairs top-left of 5 to bottom-right of 4. (The stair shapes of their respective top four steps seem to match.) If that's true, then where does 5 connect with the initial three? Then there's a sixth map to the series on the way, correct? If that descends from the top-left stairs of 5, then where does 4 come in? (Map 4 seems very end-of-the-dungeon with no apparent path out beyond the stairs at bottom-right.) I suppose map 6 will make sense of all when it's released. Or I missed a (literal) step in maps 2 or 3 that connect with maps 4 and/or 5. But, if you would, please clarify how maps 4 and 5 connect with the initial three. Thanks for your attention.