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Hey everyone,

Last year (or was it longer??) we worked with our friend Lou Anders to produce a set of maps for his Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard kickstarter.

He's back with another Kickstarter, funding a brilliant adventure set in the same world. And once again, we're making the maps for it.   It's a varied adventure that, at one points, sees the players inhabit the bodies of wolves. I know my players would love that - they're dog mad!

See a preview of our maps here 

There's only a few days left so please do check it out :)

Vengeance of the Valravn: A Dark 5e Adventure 




As long as they all appear in a DriveThru bundle, then it's fine for me. I don't want any of the adventure content that comes with it.

Rob Leonard

With T&B they had a separate Map Pack tier, so I backed it (and your maps were awesome). This one doesn't, and I'm not interested in anything from that campaign setting, so I'll just wait for the maps on DTRPG or whatever.