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Hey everyone,

The other day on Twitter, Dyson Logos posted a pic of one of his favourite maps, and was surprised no one had done anything with it. It was Blackstone Bastion, a dark castle on a rocky island.

As it happened, I had said to Sarah the day before that I was in the mood for making a castle...

Good timing, eh?

This map is colossal! We wanted to get all the coastline that Dyson had drawn, and so that meant the map became a huge 90x90 map! And then we built this 5-level castle on the island, with towers, walkways, a drawbridge etc. It's a really fun location.

Obviously, a 90x90 map is pretty large. So, we've made things easier. Of course we've provided the full 90x90 map, in case you can print that, or use it in a VTT. But we've also chopped that 90x90 into a set of smaller maps for both pdf printing, poster printing or VTT.  And then, we've also done a set of files focused just on the castle, with each level on a 30x40 set of maps. So, however you want to use this, we've got you covered :)

So, this map is now on sale at DTRPG, and has a 30% off intro price for this week.  But you're our awesome Patrons, and we love you guys, so if you'd like to pick this map up we'd love to give you a code to get 50% off (valid for 2 weeks).

We hope you love it!

Have a great week!

Joe & Sarah

50% Discount Code 




This is fantastic, and perfect for something in my groups immediate future. Your timing is impeccable.

Ryan Rogers

Checkout on DMSGuild isn't working for this item, I always get "Missing Parameters", and then price jumps back up to $6.99. Anybody else having a problem? I'm using PayPal but have never had issues before... EDIT: It is working today, their site seemingly had a problem yesterday with PayPal payments.