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If you keep up-to-date with Foundry, you will probably have seen about the various V10 updates. And if you've updated, you may have encountered lots of orange warning messages when you start up.

This is due to changes Foundry have made in the required terms in the manifest json files. 

We're having to go through all our previous releases and update the json files with the new requirements.  That's the reason we haven't yet released November's Foundry rewards - we wanted to make sure we had it fixed before making new modules.

We think we've got it sorted, but we'd love it if you could check. We've created the foundry scene for one of the Town Guard Barracks maps.  It would be great if you could download it and let us know if it works for you. We've used the Wall Height module, but it won't matter if you don't have it.

We're looking to see if you get any error messages when you start up Foundry relating to this module (Press F12 if you do get any errors to see what's causing it).  Whether it works or not for you, we'd like to heard what version of Foundry you're on. We've tried to make this module backwards compatible for v9 users - we're keen to see if that worked!




I think you can get rid of the name compatibleCoreVersion and author fields as they should be unnecessary. You could merge the minimum core version number under compatibility and remove the minimumCoreVersion after. You should also be able to remove entity and module from packs.


Not at my computer atm though or I'd post the changes I'd made that I know works in v10