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Hey everyone,

We loved all the suggestions you made for November's Third Map, where we gave you free rein to suggest a fantasy map you'd like to see.

We randomly picked from the list, and the winning idea was the Cliff Lift, suggested by Robert Cater. Well done Robert! His suggestion was a small guard post and lift by a cliff edge, either the top or the bottom.

Well, Robert - we did the top and the bottom!

We thought this map had loads of potential, so not only is there interior and exteriors for the buildings, there's also versions with the lift in position or not present, for both sets of maps.  So, your party can turn up and find the lift is there - or not!

Hope you enjoy it. We gave quite a lot of thought to a plausible mechanism for lifting and lowering the platform - you get to decide who has to work the capstan!

This map set will be in the November reward bundle for everyone.




This is an exquisite map. I'd be very interested in seeing variants in this as the third map next month. Frosty mountain, underdark, dwarven mines....


WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Super hyped and it looks as awesome as imagined!