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Hey everyone,

Thanks to those that suggested an alternative for November's MotM, the Town Guard Barracks. 

As a reminder, here's the original map:

So, the suggestions for an alt-version are:

  • Underdark Barracks - a drow barracks guarding a wall within the underdark caverns
  • School - classrooms, dormitories etc in an urban school or academy
  • Samurai Dojo - a training facility for samurai
  • Walled Crafting Workshop - an enclosed crafting/industrial area
  • Wilderness Frontier Wall - a barracks by a wall in the wilderness (think Hadrian's Wall)
  • Under Siege - ruined city, fire and barricades. A last refuge!

Some brilliant ideas. You've got as many votes as you'd like, and 48 hours to cast them!


Lloyd Ritchey

You had me at "Hadrian."


I could really use a good school map. But I think the siege map is probably going to take the day. Ah, well.


You can use Gabriel Pickard's assets to make the school you need. A $4-5 pack and some light editing can easily transform the map. Though I think it's odd that the school is attached to the city wall and gatehouse.