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Hey everyone,

For this month's Third Map, we want you to suggest any fantasy map you want (keeping in mind it should be able to work as a single level map unless we decide to expand it, and it should be no larger than 30x30).  Outside of those restrictions though, you can suggest anything.  We'll then be randomly deciding which map to make from all the suggestions in a couple of day's time!

Good luck! We can't wait to see what amazing ideas you come up with!




I don't think Heroic Maps has done a ship for a long time - Auspice, Danse Macabre etc. are all quite old maps, without VTT options. Maybe do a new ship - each 30x30 map can fit three decks, for example - and obviously the variants can be merchant ship, pirate ship, warship, steampunk, ghost ship etc. etc.


I justed noticed there is no map for a tavern by night. Simple but would be really nice to have.