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Hi everyone,

Last week we showed you the next MotM, a small mining village in the mountains, and asked you to suggest what could be there instead.

There were some fantastic suggestions, and we've picked out five for the poll. They are:

Village on the Elemental Plane of Earth - collecting and processing crystals and geodes.

Travelling Circus Camp - colourful wagons and a few circus tents.

Bandit Fortress - an old ruined stone fort, fixed up a little and now home to a bandit camp

Goblin village - deep in the forested mountains, a small village of mountain goblins

Planar Rift - a huge fissure has opened up, linked to another plane

Lots of fun ideas, eh?   You can vote for as many as you like, and the winner will be released in August as part of your reward bundle. The poll runs for 48 hours.




Anything but another goblin village or bandit camp... haha :-p

René Bargisen

Well, I’ve got 400+ maps from Joe, and of course there are other Goblin caves og bandit hideouts, but not that many actually. A ‘free the captured bridge’ plot is very useful compared to a travelling circus imo. We’ll see what Joe decides :-).